systems that bolster business.

strong, reliable brands

We believe that the foundation of any successful marketing strategy starts with the brandLogo design and branding have the power to evoke emotion, inspire action and invite people to connect.

Your voice is unique. Whether you’re looking to launch a new identity or just clarifying who you are, we want to help you uncover that voice. The voice that separates you from the competition and tells them why they should care about what you do.

Perhaps the most important design, at the very core of your business, is your logo design. 

We intentionally avoid being niche.

And as a result, we bring a diverse perspective and a renewed sense of curiosity to every engagement.

Founded in 2007, LovelyPixels has built itself on a foundation of being intentionally able to serve a wide variety of industries through authentic helpfulness. Our track record spans small businesses, non-profits, mid-market and ecommerce brands alike. 

Honor your trade and showcase the meticulous work you do with LovelyPixels’ Jon, MIRM (Master in Residential Marketing). With over 20 years of experience, we build the leads so you can build homes.

FEATURED WORK   |  Pleasants Construction, Pinnacle Builders, Hobday Home, J Hess Group, Huntlands Landscape Architecture, 

Steady organic marketing plans or rapid lead generation – our team offers holistic roadmaps for your small business.

FEATURED WORK   |   The Martinsburg Hub, Brix 27, Panhandle Dumpsters, Hoffman Meats, Doc’s Tea

Whether you’re a one-man-show just starting out, or you’ve been a steward of your community for decades – our team will help you adapt to the latest technologies and streamline your effectiveness.

FEATURED WORK   |  Freedom Forever, Mary’s Refuge, CASA of the Eastern Panhandle, The Martinsburg Initiative, Muddy Mamas Mud Run, WordPlay Connects

Local service providers need reputable online presences and systems that are as dependable as they are.

FEATURED WORK   |   Development Authority of Berkeley County, Eastern WV Economic Alliance, Hampshire County Economic Development, South Central Services, Once & Done Waterproofing, Somerset Fire Alarm & Security, Cornerstone Dental

Moving quickly and needing rapid results for your startup budget? Let’s make a cost-effective roadmap with maximum results.

FEATURED WORK   |   The Martinsburg Hub, Brix 27, Panhandle Dumpsters, Hoffman Meats


Beyond just looking great, manufacturers also need functional and transparently easy to use solutions.

FEATURED WORK   |   Packaging Services IndustriesDoc’s Tea

Consumers demand a seamless digital experience. Let us help you build something they’ll love.

FEATURED WORK   |   Dancing Bear Toys & Gifts, Curious Iguana Bookshop, WordPlay

Don't know where to start your marketing journey?

We get it. Modern marketing is growing at a pace that makes our heads spin too. Use our free marketing analysis tool to narrow in on where you’re at now, and what kind of support would be best for your business, organization or startup!

LovelyPixels specializes in building brand systems that go beyond just a good looking logo.

We help design, setup, and even manage a number of branded touchpoints, including but not limited to:

A logo design is not something that can be taken lightly – it will appear on not just your website, business cards, letterheads, uniforms, vehicles, and more, but it will also be the face of your company for years and years to come (unless of course you redesign, but if you redesign it every year then it’ll never have a chance to leave a lasting impression). 

don't take your logo lightly

The bedrock of your brand – it will appear on not just your website, business cards, letterheads, uniforms, vehicles, and more, but it will also be the face of your company for years and years to come.

And the best brands do one thing really, really well – create harmonious touchpoints for their customers across all of their omnichannel marketing spaces.

Book a 15 Minute Clarity Call

You’ll be talking directly to the team that actually does the work — not some salesperson or virtual assistant.  

These clarity calls are perfect for the busy entrepreneur who values their time, just as we value ours so please be mindful of that when answering our qualifying questions. 

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LovelyPixels’ team consists of senior talent and collaborative partnerships that fine-tune themselves to your business goals.

Your customers are either tuning in or tuning out and our only goal is to develop authentic, quality design work that establishes a connection with your audience.

And it all starts with a casual coffee date.

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What’s the difference between a logo and a brand?

While the logo is just the design, icon or imagery people know you by – your brand is your complete identity. It is the feeling, emotion, tone, consistency, associations and everything else that comes to a person’s mind when they think of or interact with your company. It is the visceral connection between the products and services you provide and the people who use them. Your brand can be anything from your excellent customer service, to the quality of your product or service, to how timely you deliver, to the little extra thing you do for your customers to set you apart from your competition.

Neither your logo nor your brand are something you’ll want to entrust to a fly-by-night design company – or a five-dollar designer. You’ll want a marketing company who can take both your brand image and logo into account at once, instead of just designing something that looks pretty. 

Logo design is a bit like a marriage – commit to doing it right the first time and you’ll have a foundation to last your business a lifetime.

LovelyPixels has helped countless businesses in the area find their brand image and logo, and can help your small business, too.

Packaging + Branding
+ Web Design Awards

Packaging + Branding
+ Web Design Awards

Branding + Web Design Awards

Jerry Rouleau Web Design Award

Web Design Awards

Award Winning Digital Marketing Agency

At LovelyPixels, we are so proud of the work we do for the non-profits and organizations we collaborate with. As a small business ourselves, our goal is always to elevate the entrepreneur and develop services, resources and tools that help small businesses grow. With us on your side, you’ll have expert branding, digital marketing and web strategists making a ruckus on your behalf.


How about we buy you a coffee.


Handcrafted goodness for every client 

The professionals at LovelyPixels provide branding and logo design for businesses all over the world, but we concentrate primarily on bolstering businesses in Martinsburg, Hagerstown, Winchester, Shepherdstown, Charles Town, Greencastle, Frederick, Berkeley Springs, Harpers Ferry, Morgantown, and all through the State of West Virginia!